Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Seek Godly Counsel Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seek Godly Counsel - Assignment Example Most people resort to the result of prayer after seeing that everything else has failed, which, in most cases do not work out. The bible says   â€Å"cursed is the man who relies on his own understanding.†, â€Å"blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.† Anyone who is in   need of any monetary advice shouldn't seek it from the ungodly people.Pray about something you want to do and talk to godly people about it before executing the plan. Prayers and godly people help one to avoid errors in financial matters. Before purchasing any good or even looking for financial assistance from either individual financial institution, ask a godly person and pray about it. Do not do things impulsively.When entering into a contract with anyone over finances, do not be in a haste to put your signature on any paper until you counter check it thoroughly. Easy come, easy go. Best things in the world take time so do not be hurried in doing something. God took lo ng to deliver Israelites from captivity but it was worthy it so borrow a leaf from there.The bible gives very vital financial advice: Gold and silver comes from God, so start asking God for financial guidance; the more you give, the more you receive, be generous to the less unfortunate; there is joy in sharing; states, â€Å"Where your money is, that's where your heart will be.† Learn to lean not on your own understanding and start incorporating God's counsel in your finances and you will realize that you are enjoying your finances and your financial life is perfect.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Effective Help To Families And Children Social Work Essay

The Effective Help To Families And Children Social Work Essay I was requested to complete a Pre-Birth Assessment with regards to Case BB. The referral was made by the Community Midwife to the Children and Families Area Team where I was on my placement. The Community Midwifes concerns were BBs age, she already had a child who was under one year, her partner was in prison and the Midwife was further concerned about BBs lack of engagement with the health services particularly ante-natal services. The Midwife was also concerned with BBs emotional state of mind. To consolidate what little information was on the referral I contacted BBs current Health Visitor whereby I was subject to a litany of BBs misdemeanours regarding her care of CA. Although the Health Visitor regarded BBs care of CA as poor I noted that there had been no social work input requested from the Health Visitor and that the Health Visitor had quite a forceful personality. However, I took on board the information the Health Visitor provided with an objective mind. BB is 19 years old and lives in a local authority house in a rural village with few local amenities. The village is not well served with public transport which makes it difficult for BB to access the main town. BBs sole income is benefit based. BB now has two children, CA who is 15 months old and LA who is 3 months old. BBs partner, BA (who is 22 years of age) is at present in prison, serving a sentence for Assault to Serious Injury. BA is not expected to return to the family home until October 2010. BA is the natural father to both CA and LA. My role was to complete a Pre-Birth Assessment with regards to convening a Pre-Birth Conference if necessary. This is in line with the local authoritys High Risk Pregnancy Protocol. My role was also to support and work in partnership with BB and her family in the longer term. The context of my practice was that of a statutory role with statutory responsibilities. Therefore, I had to consider how to support the family by assessing BBs strengths and pressures as well as promote the welfare of BBs child and unborn child and in the wider sense to keep the family together. According to Hothersall (2008) these are principles inherent within the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 which themselves derive from broader principles surrounding the rights of the children and the importance of positive development as the basis for a meaningful life. Further to this Healy (2005) points out that within the practice context it is the legal aspect which has precedence over other aspects of practice. This incorporates the fulfilment of legal duties and responsibilities. The Children (Scotland) Act 1995, as mentioned previously, is the underpinning legislation within Children and Families. This legislation with regards to parental responsibilities was I felt, pertinent to this case. For example, the responsibilities of a parent to a child under 16 are set out in Section 1 of this Act. They are to safeguard and promote the health, development and welfare of the child and to provide appropriate direction to the child according to age. These parental responsibilities were important to consider when completing the Pre-Birth Assessment in response to both BB and her partner BAs capacity to parent. The Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) (Scottish Executive, 2005) policy was also crucial in my assessment. GIRFEC provides a practice model which promotes holistic assessment and planning for children, centred upon indicators of well-being and as a policy is about intervention as early as possible and provision of the right help at the right time. Within GIRFEC is the My World assessment model which I used to help me complete the Pre-Birth Assessment particularly in relation to BBs parenting skills with CA. I also utilised Getting Our Priorities Right (GOPR) A Guide for Workers in Best Practice (Local Authority Child Protection Web Pages). Underpinning this assessment was Protecting Children and Young People Framework for Standards (Scottish Executive, 2004). Within the context of completing the assessment I was aware of the statutory legal responsibility involved and the requirement to work within the framework of current legislation and policy. During supervision discussion was centred around the issue of care and control from the perspective of my practice based on statutory responsibility. According to Thompson (2005) to ignore control is to run the risk of being ineffective, while to ignore care can lead to potentially abusive and oppressive practice. Further to this Banks (2006) points out that the reasons for many ethical dilemmas and problems stem from the social work role as a public service profession dealing with vulnerable service users who need to be able to trust the worker and be protected from exploitation; and also from its position as part of state welfare provision based on contradictory aims and values (care and controlprotection of individual rights and promotion of public welfare) that cause tensions, dilemmas and conflicts. (Banks, 2006, p.25) As Banks also points out, in practice it is the rules of the agency that define who is to be regarded as a service user and provide the context in which the social worker operates. This, for me reflects that need to recognize the significance of discrimination and oppression in service users lives and for my practice to be ethically sound and develop a participatory approach to my practice. Considering these points helped me formulate how I was going to engage with BB. I had an understanding of my statutory responsibilities from a legal and policy perspective and I had an understanding of my personal and professional values in terms of the tensions caused by care and control. Therefore, I needed to build a working relationship with BB which would allow me to build a theoretical understanding of the interrelationship between the individual and society. (Watson West, 2006, p.13) This would help me complete a meaningful and insightful assessment of BBs current difficulties with appropriate interventions. To complete the assessment, I took into consideration Germain and Gittermans The Life Model of Social Work Practice (1996). Payne (2005) describes this model as a formulation of the ecological systems theory which is based on the relationship between people and their environment. The aim of social work is to increase the fit between people and their environment by alleviating life stressors and increasing peoples personal and social resources to enable them to use more and better coping strategies. Payne further points out that practice must be carried out through a partnership between worker and service user that reduces power differences between them. The environment and the demands of the life course should be a constant factor in making decisions. By utilising Germain Gittermans life model of practice (1996) I was able to create an accepting and supportive environment by describing my role clearly to BB and encouraging BB to give her thoughts about the referral. This elicited background information about her relationship with BA and support networks she had within her own extended family and with BAs extended family. We discussed the birth of her second child particularly in respect of how BB felt she could cope with CA as well as with the new baby. BB identified this as a worry for her as she was concerned that she would not be able to manage. To make sense of this information Payne (2005) describes resources that people have in order to cope. These are self-efficacy, self-esteem and self-concept. BB had none of these emotional resources available to her at this time. Coupled with this she had no self-direction in the sense she did not feel she had any control over her life. To allow me to elicit further information regarding BBs parenting skills I observed her care of CA. The My World model which draws on upon the work of Bronfenbrenner (1979) and encourages practioners to take an ecological approach to the assessment process helped me in this respect. By looking at the three domains of growth and development, what is needed from the people who look after me and my wider world I was able to elicit the positives in the situation and the areas of pressure in relation to the safety, well-being and development of the child. Further to this, attachment theory, which according to Schofield (2002) is primarily a theory for understanding (Schofield, 2002, p.29) was also useful in that although directly seeking to improve the quality of interaction between children and caregivers, the childs sense of security, self-esteem and self-efficacy may also be increased by intervening in the systems around the family, for example providing social support to the mother or funding a place for the child in an activity group. A visit with BA was also organised, who although in prison presented as a significant risk factor due to alcohol consumption and increasing levels of violence, albeit the incidents were not in or near the family home and did not involve BB nor his child. BA was at first uncommunicative which was understandable due to the setting and nature of the visit. Trevithick (2007) suggests that asking a range of different questions is central to interviewing however, before asking a question we must be interested in the answer. (Trevithick, 2007, p. 159) By careful use of open and closed questions I was able to draw out BAs views on the assessment and gain some sense of a working relationship with him. However, what really opened the conversation was when I commented on how CA looked very like him. BA then started to talk about CA and how he was looking forward to the birth of his next baby. During the course of the visit I was able to understand how BA supports BB by allowing her the freedom to take care of CA while he did the cooking and looked after the house. BA went on to explain that his relationship with BB was sound but that he was aware he had let her down badly particularly as she was pregnant with his second child. BA was aware that he had missed a lot of CA growing up and he did not want this to happen with his second child. BA was also open about the circumstances leading to his arrest and he admitted that it was due to a feud between two different villages that had been going on since school. BA confirmed that the whole thing was stupid and that he now realised he needed to grow up. Taking into account the information gained and observations made during my visits with BB, CA and BA I was able to start to make sense of their environment, their strengths and pressures and the roles each of them had within the home and their community. Intervention at the initial stages of the process was I believe successful with regard to forming a working partnership with BB and to an extent with BA. Further visits with BB drew further information regarding informal support networks which in the main was her mother. BBs mother was a source of practical support and advice and they were in contact daily. BB described her mother as her ear. Permission was sought from BB to meet with her mother. BBs mother was keen for her daughter to gain support from social services as she realised how difficult her daughter was finding things at this time. To complete the assessment and take into account risk factors and strengths I had to analyse and reflect on the information I had gained. According to Helm (2009) this information needs to be analysed before an understanding is developed which allows a judgement to be formed which can lead to an appropriate decision or action. Calder (2002) further offers a framework for conducting risk assessment by assessing all areas of identified risk and ensuring that each is considered separately e.g. child, parent, and surrounding environment each worrying behaviour should be assessed individually as each is likely to involve different risk factors. To counteract the risk factors present family strengths and resources should also be assessed, for example good bonding, supportive networks. After a thorough analysis and supervisory discussions I recommended that a Post-Birth Multi-Agency Conference not be convened. However, I recommended that a further assessment take place when BA returns to the family home and a Post-Birth Multi-Agency meeting to discuss future interventions be arranged as I was aware that the birth of the new baby could be a future pressure on BB. In line with anti-oppressive practice and partnership working, I discussed both the assessment and recommendations with BB and by letter with BA. Both were given the opportunity to put their views across and both were happy to continue to work voluntarily with the department for the present. The reasons behind my recommendations were that BB although socially isolated had a strong supportive network with her extended family and BAs extended family. Further to this BB has a close and supportive relationship with her mother whom she sees every day. According to Hill et al (2007) a vast array of research shows that parents in poverty, or facing other stresses, usually cope better when they have one or more close relationships outside the household and these are activated to give practical, emotional or informational support. Most often this is informal but, for isolated parents access to family centres or professionals including health professionals can make a great difference to both the parents and the social and emotional health of children. (Barlow Underdown, 2005) With regards to CA, BB had a good bond with her daughter and was quick to attend to her needs. BB also had a routine in place for CA regarding mealtimes and naps this also included a bedtime routine. CA was reaching her developmental milestones (Source: Sheridans Charts). CA had age appropriate toys and had the freedom of the living area. BB had erected a baby gate to stop CA from gaining access to the kitchen and the stairs. However, since CA started walking, BB has to continually keep an eye on CA due to the open fire and hearth in the living area which is proving stressful for BB. Immediate interventions included obtaining Section 22 funding to purchase a safety fireguard and information was obtained regarding BB making applications for Sure Start and Healthy Eating Grants. These applications were successfully made by BB and allowed her to purchase essential items for the new baby. BB had highlighted this as a worry for her as she was struggling financially. Working in collaboration with the Community Midwife arrangements were made for BB to make the trip to the clinic on alternate weeks when her benefits were received. The Community Midwife visited her at home the other weeks. I believe I managed to build a positive working relationship with BB. According to Wilson et al (2008) relation-based practice is the emphasis it places on the professional relationship with the service user. The social worker and service user relationship is recognised to be an important source of information for the worker to understand how best to help. In order to make informed decisions and critically evaluate practice, reflection and analysis of information should embrace all sources of knowledge which have to be drawn upon. Further to this, a potentially more informative, relationship-based and reflective response would be to articulate the service users feelings by which the service user can acknowledge their own responses to the situation. As Fook (2002) points out: Reflective practioners are those who can situate themselves in the context of the situation and can factor this understanding into the ways in which they practice (Fook, 2002, p.40) Banks (2006) also indicates that part of the process of becoming a reflective practioner also involves being aware of ones own position of power and how dominant discourses construct the knowledge and values we use to describe and work with situations and practice. This has been discussed in supervision with regards to BBs Pre-Birth assessment and to visiting BA in prison. It is difficult to evaluate whether aspects of my work were effective or not. However, in supervision we discussed how keen BB was to gain support and seemed to appreciate the partnership approach. This was discussed in relation to Hill et als (2007) research and Barlow and Underdown (2005). Small aspects of my intervention, such as the provision of the safety fireguard were described by BB as a godsend and she was proud to show me the baby items she had purchased on receipt of the grants. Discussion in supervision also centred round the next stage of intervention which was after the baby was born. I discussed with BB the opportunity for CA to attend a local authority nursery one day per week. This would help CAs social and emotional development and at the same time allow BB to spend time with LA. This referral was successful as was gaining the services of a volunteer driver to transport CA. However, CA has only just started at the nursery and therefore difficult to gauge if this referral has been effective. Reflecting on my work overall, I should probably have explored more with BB her social isolation and worked on strategies to get her more involved in the community. Further to this resources in this village are non-existent and the parenting groups which were suitable were not available locally. BB was interested but location of the Family Centre and lack of public transport negated this. I enquired with regards to Outreach Work but this was not available. Discussion with other colleagues in the team reflected the same theme regarding facilities for the outlying villages. Further discussion in supervision raised for me the difficulty of maintaining empowering and anti-oppressive practice within this context as assessment should be needs led not resource led. 2,979 words

Friday, October 25, 2019

Polymers :: essays research papers

Polymers are large molecules composed of smaller molecules called monomers. Monomers are produced and either grow together or are assembled to produce a single polymer. There are synthetic and natural polymers. Some examples of natural polymers would be wood, starches, fingernails, and hair. Synthetic polymers are usually referred to as plastics. Petroleum, is the primary monomer used to produce polymers. An English chemist named Alexander Parkes was the first scientist to produce the first synthetic polymer in 1862. John Wesley Hyatt, an American, was the first person to produce a useable polymer two years later. He named the product celluloid. The prime virtue of polymers is a high strength-to-weight ratio. Industrial-strength polymers surpass titanium in tensile strength. To add strength and improve flexibility, polymers are sometimes fortified with short-fiber additives, mostly fiberglass. This is known as a polymer composite. One particular polymer has three times the strength of tempered steel and is being used in bullet proof vests. Another composite will be used to fasten together the sections proposed space stations. Polymers have also been used in cars, including the Chevrolet Camaro and the Pontiac Fiero. New polymers are being created with more strength and flexibility by combing two chemically different polymers and producing a block copolymer. Combinations of block copolymers and composites and intended for use in booster rockets and in materials of Earth-orbiting installations. Most common polymers are usually solid, but a new class of polymers is being introduced in a liquid crystal state. Although these polymers still have the physical characteristics of liquid, they are structured more like solids. Many liquid crystals are transparent at one temperature and colored at another temperature. This makes them suitable for use in liquid crystal displays, such as in digital watches, hand-held calculators, and lap-top computers. A new liquid polymer, consisting of a mixture of iron and nickel, is being used to make metal links that can be used in paper, glass, and on electronic circuit boards. Despite the development and widespread use of

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Constitution in USA Essay

A constitution is either a written (codified) or unwritten (uncodified) body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state is acknowledged to be governed. Generally, a constitution is only written after a major event. In the case of America their constitution was written in 1787, after the American Revolutionary War came to a close. There are a number of issues with America’s constitution which make it, arguably, unfit for the 21st century. The most apparent issue with the constitution is the overall ambiguity that it’s based upon. Take for example the eighth amendment which forbids the federal government from imposing cruel or unusual punishments on American citizens. However, what’s classed as a cruel or unusual punishment? Many have argued that capital punishment can be seen as a cruel punishment, which has led to some states, such as Illinois, abolishing the death penalty altogether. Though, despite eighteen states abolishing the death penalty so far, there has been no move to amend the constitution to include the death penalty as an example of ‘cruel punishment’. Another example of an ambiguous amendment is the first amendment which protects the right to free speech as well as freedom of religion. However, how far this amendment applies has been questioned on numerous occasions. For example, Texas passed a law which prevented flag desecration (burning of the American flag), however the Supreme Court overturned the Texas law due to it violating citizen’s first amendment right as flag desecration is seen as an expression of belief, which the first amendment protects. This has led to numerous calls for flag desecration being outlawed via a constitutional amendment, however just like the eight amendment this would be incredibly hard to achieve. This is purely due to how difficult it is to amend the American constitution. The American constitution’s amendment process is long and difficult, which is mainly due to it requiring a supermajority. A supermajority is where 2/3rds of both houses of Congress have to agree to the amendment put forward. Even if either house falls short by one vote, the amendment is dropped. This process was made to be hard intentionally by the Founding Fathers. This was  because they believed that the constitution shouldn’t be constantly changing, and so they created the need for a supermajority to stop the federal government from making rash, in the moment, decisions which they could grow to regret later on. However, it is this founding belief that has made the constitution, arguably, untenable for the 21st century, which can be contributed to Congress’ explosive growth over the last 200 years. For example, in 1789 there were only 65 Representatives in the House of Representatives, which grew to 435 by 1963 and plateaued due to the House of Representative s being capped in 1911. This is an increase of 370 over a period of 174 years (meaning that there were two new Representatives every year). This continually increased the amount of people who had to work in unison to pass constitutional amendments, and as evidenced by the 1911 Act which capped the size of the House of Representatives, America grew far more than the Founding Fathers had originally intended. The constitution can also be seen as unfit for the 21st century due to an ever increasing political pace, as well as rapidly changing circumstances which have led to very different outcomes when compared to the British political system. This can mainly be seen with gun control which is protected in America by the second amendment (â€Å"Right to bear arms†) despite the amount of shootings which have occurred in recent times. An example of this would be the Sandy Hook shooting, which occurred on December 14th 2012 at an elementary school in Connecticut. This caused nationwide outrage which in turn caused support for disarmament groups to increase. However, after several months the support fell away and no constitutional amendments were put through, despite pledges and campaigns from Barrack Obama and Joe Biden. Now, when compared to England, there was a shooting spree in a Dunblane Primary School in 1996. Following national outrage, much alike that caused by Sandy Hook, guns were criminalised by an Act of Parliament, which was significantly easier to do as the UK does not have a written constitution, rather an unwritten one which is drawn from several sources. However, despite the faults with the American constitution, it must be fit for purpose if it still exists. This is because if it wasn’t fit for  purpose, and didn’t work at all, it would have been scraped by one of the American administrations after its conception. This is mainly aided by the argument that the constitution’s ambiguity is what allows it to adapt to changing circumstances as well as its ability to change without formal review. What is meant by this is the fact that the Supreme Court can uphold or repeal earlier decisions made in relation to the constitution, meaning that if the correct decisions were repealed the constitution could be drastically changed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hobbes vs the Fool

Hobbes vs the Fool In Hobbes case, justice is characterized supporting a covenant, and for those who shatter their covenant will be penalized accordingly. The fool first expresses his assertion having â€Å"said in his heart: ‘there is no such thing as justice'† (L p. I ch: xv [4]). If there are no covenants to be broken, this would signify neither just or unjust actions exist. The fool by rejecting the reality of fairness is rejecting the achievement of covenants in general, yet as we currently understand from our own know-how, the fool’s contention is unsound.In every day interactions persons manage in diverse examples support their covenants. Here, Hobbes makes the fool's place appear blatantly untrue for its conspicuous betrayal of the genuine world. Yet, as he extends, it is not the case that the fool refutes the reality of fairness in this way. He answers, â€Å"[the fool] does not therein refute that there be covenants and that are occasionally broken, occ asionally kept, and that such break of them may be called injustice, and the observance of them justice† (L p. I ch: xv [4]).However the fool accepts as factual that it is precisely his right of the covenant, one made in evolving part of a commonwealth, that it is flawlessly in good standing to better ones place even if he will take from his or another covenant. The period covenant from Hobbes viewpoint identifies a kind of agreement in which both parties either acquiesce to fulfill their part, one presently and the other in the future, or both at a subsequent time. This is distinct from a normal agreement in which both parties proceed presently, neither having the possibility to falsify their activities from their agreement.Hobbes identifies a covenant's susceptibility to deceitful agreement, when one or both parties acquiesces to their part with shady aims, or when one or both parties makes a legitimate responsibility and subsequent end up shattering it. For the fool, if he has a possibility to better himself in any way whatsoever he will manage so despite of any covenant made. But the fool solidly accepts as factual that he has the right to shatter one covenant if he feels that he has revealed himself to strike needlessly increasing his vulnerability as the covenant continues.Hobbes composes as the fool saying â€Å"every man's conservation and contentment being pledged to his own care, there could be no cause why every man might not manage what he considered conduced thereunto, and thus furthermore to make or not make, hold or not hold, covenants was not contrary to cause, when it conduced to one's benefit† (L p. I ch: xv [4]). From the fool's viewpoint it is only sane to shatter covenant with other ones, being foes with all other ones rather than of holding covenants with those who might traverse him in a world where every individual is just seeking to survive.At this issue protecting against of one's own life as well as exploitation of other ones, premier in numerous situations to their decrease of life, are revealed with some rationale. Hobbes subsequent recounts the likely situation of vying persons and their procedure of attack. Hobbes sees the right of the one-by-one to manage anything is essential to endure, not less than while dwelling inside a State of Nature and Ware, ethics in a sense non-existent. Hobbes refutes the fool, carrying the reality of fairness inside a commonwealth.It is the individual's right as it is recounted in the State of Nature and Subsequently the State of War of which we are all a part, as long as we subsist without affirmation on and acknowledgement of a mutual sovereign, is therefor habitually called into inquiry while at the identical time identified and supported. Hobbes states â€Å"in a status of conflict wherein every man to every man is an foe, there is no man can wish by his own power or wit to fight back himself from decimation without the assist of confederates† (L p. I c h: xv [5]).Thus in eager to eliminate one's self from a state of conflict, banding simultaneously is the only salvation and this needs covenant finally producing in a commonwealth. For Hobbes, the less sensible is that considered which adds one to live as an one-by-one contrary to all other ones, shattering covenants or producing none. The more sensible considered then: acknowledging reality as part of a assembly of others; sustaining some allowance of fairness, some reality in affirmation between young individuals under a mutual rule.Some decisive affirmation upon the situation of interactions of persons should be made, identifying a widespread power distinct and overhead the body of the assembly, and more mighty than any one-by-one so as to sustain control. In confederacy Hobbes contends, power and security can be discovered, asserting â€Å"he affirms he conceives it cause to deceive those that assist him can in cause anticipate no other entails of security than what can be had from his own lone power† (L p. I ch: xv [5]).Here, Hobbes weighs the scale between the just and the unjust, the one-by-one and the assembly, honesty and self-centred cunning, revealing the benefit of calm over war. The fool is only involved in short viewed goals, instant retribution for one's activities, which live mostly in the state of nature. Hobbes considers the larger advantage of relying on other ones, or not less than living in a assembly with a widespread aim contending that living inside a commonwealth is the favorable alternative because the advantages outweigh the loss.He considers the essential situation for the reality of just and unjust actions when he composes, â€Å"there should be some coercive power to compel men identically to the presentation of their covenants†¦ †¦ and to make good that propriety which by mutual agreement men come by, in recompense of the universal right they abandon; and such power there is no one before the erection of a commo nwealth† (L p. I ch: xv [3]).Hobbes states that attaining the â€Å"secure and perpetual felicity of heaven† is vein, â€Å"frivolous†, in   a State of Nature, â€Å"there being but one way imaginable, and that is not shattering, but holding of covenant† (L p. I ch: xv [6]). This is his direct objection to the fools fondness for completely acknowledging and exploiting freezing hard individualism. He conceives that not anything will convey us out of a State of Nature and War other than mutual acknowledgement of a sovereign power which can, because of it's power, preside over all men (in commonwealth) such that no one-by-one see's it in his better concern to disobey.This salvation for man, without rejecting that he actions for the advantage of himself, Hobbes explains:   â€Å"The last origin, end or conceive of men (who routinely love liberty and dominion over others) in the introduction of that restraint upon themselves in which we glimpse them reside in commonwealths is the foresight of their own preservation, and of a more contented life thereby; that is to state, of getting themselves out from that sad status of conflict, which is inevitably consequent†¦ †¦ to the natural passions of men, when there is no evident power to hold them in awe, and bind them by worry of penalty to the resentation of their covenants and fact of those regulations of environment set down in the fourteenth and fifteenth chapters. † (L p. II ch: xvii [1]) Here, Hobbes recounts the trade off. One should vitally stop certain one-by-one privileges, and in come back are exempt from a state of war. The steadiness of the commonwealth, of the current facet of calm, and likewise of the sovereign are all reliant upon this â€Å"awe† Hobbes converses about and the worry which is essential for binding one to the fulfillment of covenant.He contends that acquiescing to covenant out of worry of one's own life, deserves that one should fulfill it, saying that in â€Å"covenant to yield ransom, or service, for my life, to an foe [in the state of Nature], I am compelled by it† (L p. I ch: xiv [27]). Hobbes indicates the untrue compromise that in dealing away some of you're right to manage anything you delight, so much as it is permitted in preservation of you're life in the State of Nature, which has no restrict, you rather than gain worry, not only of the sovereign and it's direct, but furthermore a worry about those round you who may select to exploit your believe in justice.In the ‘natural' state worry is glimpsed as essential for the reasonable and tired to sustain protecting against of their life. When matching the State of Nature, to that of a commonwealth we glimpse worry lives non the less, when there is a ruling sovereign. Fear is like the equipment which drives the motor of the commonwealth, which Hobbes states defends contrary to a state of war. This worry he states, is the â€Å"terror of some pena lty larger than the advantage they anticipate by the break of their covenant† (L p.I ch: xv [3]). However, worry lives as an absolutely crucial survival constituent in the State of Nature as well, and therefore is not certain thing profited or swapped in justice. Hobbes devotes us the idea of The Third Law of Nature to classify truth, saying that because of that â€Å"which we are obliged to move to another such privileges, being kept, hinder the calm of mankind†¦ †¦ [and thus] men present their covenants made, without which covenants are in vain†¦ and the right of all men to all things residual, we are still in a status of war† ( L p. I ch: xv [1]). Either it is fairness living in a state of calm, or not anything just or unjust living in a state of war. In a very considerable way, the fool presents Hobbes with a grappling colleague, one who can both articulate the ‘other side' of what he is saying, but furthermore extends to be that sticker in his neck which he can't assist but fiddle with, its stubbornness departing a feeling of nearly anxious discomfort.It is unclear at times if Hobbes really contends with the fool or contrary to him, as Edwin Curley remarks â€Å"The place Hobbes ascribes to the fool is very like the one Grotius ascribes to Carneades, who he takes as agent of those who refute natural law. Since Hobbes himself had appeared to be close to carneades' place in Dcv I, 10 (proclaiming that ‘in the state of environment earnings is the assess of right')† (L p. I ch: xv [4] 2 ).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Best AP Environmental Science Notes to Study With

The Best AP Environmental Science Notes to Study With SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It can be a challenge tostudy for any AP test, AP Environmental Science included. Because this class covers so many different areas, including science, law, and current events, it can be toughto keep your notes straight.Whether you’re missing some notes or you want them organized more clearly, this guide is for you. I’ve put together a list of links to AP Environmental Science notes and vocabulary that you can easily browse through to supplement your studying.I’ll also go over how to use these notes and end with tips to help make your studying more effective. How to Use These AP Environmental Science Notes The notes can be used for targeting studying throughout the course as well as your end of the year review for the AP exam.The notes don’t cover every topic on the AP Environmental Science Exam (particularly the Global Change section), so don’t rely on them exclusively for your studying.Supplement these notes with your notes from class, your textbook, and any review books you purchase. Using these notes gives you an organized way to sort through the material covered by the AP Environmental Science exam, and the vocabulary links can help you easily learn how well you know different terms and concepts commonly tested on the exam. While studying for the AP exam, you should also be regularly taking practice tests.Passive studying isn’t enough to earn a high score on the AP test; you want to make sure you’re actively engaging with the material and regularly checking your progress.We have an entireguide on practice test materialsthat you can use to choose the practice quiz or test you want to take. Early on in the year, you can use these notes in conjunction with practice tests by studying a certain topic or topics, then taking a practice quiz on that same topic to see how well you understood and retained the information from the notes. Later in the year, after taking complete practice tests, you can review the questions you missed to see which topics are your weakest, then find those topics in these notes and prioritize them in your studying. The AP Environmental Science Notes The notes are organized by the seven major topics the course covers. Within each major topic are more specific areas of focus.The notes below come from CourseNotes and give detailed outlines on their topic of focus.There’s no images or fancy formatting to increase the visual appeal of the notes, but they do a good job of covering the topic in-depth and separating the outline into different groups so you can quickly see which areas are covered. The vocabulary links also come from CourseNotes. They are organized by chapter from the 13th edition of the Living in the Environment textbook which is why they are slightly out of order when sorted by the seven major topics, as they are below. The vocabulary notes give brief definitions for each of the major keywords you need to know for AP Environmental Science. 1. Earth Systems and Resources Notes Earth Science Concepts The Atmosphere Environmental Philosophies Vocabulary Chapter 1: Environmental Issues, Their Causes, and Sustainability Chapter 2: Environmental History, an Overview Chapter 10: Geology 2. The Living World Notes Energy Flow Ecosystem Diversity Biological Communities Biomes Vocabulary Chapter 3: Science, Systems, Matter, and Energy Chapter 4: Ecosystems Chapter 5: Evolution and Biodiversity Chapter 6: Biogeography Chapter 7: Aquatic Ecology Chapter 8: Community Ecology 3. Population Notes Population Biology Concepts Human Population Vocabulary Chapter 9: Population Dynamics, Carrying Capacity, and Conservation Biology Chapter 12: The Human Population 4. Land and Water Use Notes Agriculture Water Global Economics Vocabulary Chapter 13: Food Resources Chapter 14: Water Resources Chapter 15: Geologic Resources 5. Energy Resources and Consumption Notes Conventional Energy Sustainable Cities and Personal Action Sustainable Energy Vocabulary Chapter 16: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 6. Pollution Notes Pollution Types Air Pollution Water Pollution Impacts on the Environment and Human Health Vocabulary Chapter 11: Risk, Toxicology, and Human Health Chapter 17: Air and Air Pollution Chapter 19: Water Pollution Chapter 21: Solid and Hazardous Waste 7. Global Change Notes Pests Vocabulary Chapter 18: Climate Change and Ozone Loss Chapter 20: Pesticides and Pest Control Chapter 22: Sustaining Wild Species Chapter 23: Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity AP Environmental Science Formulas These short guides (also fromCourseNotes) include many of the common formulas you’ll use and need to understand for AP Environmental Science. Acid Rain Air Pollution Control and Prevention Air Pollution Formulas Ozone Formation and Destruction Photochemical Smog The Carbon Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle Additional Notes These notes don’t fit into the seven major topics of the class, but they can also be useful for your studying. Major Environmental Laws The Environmental Laws notes also come from CourseNotes, and they give a brief overview of each of the most important environmental laws that have been passed in the United States. Complete Course Overview The Complete Course Overview is from Scribd, and it gives a summary of the entire AP Environmental Science course, organized by the seven major topics. It’s a lot of information to take in all at once, but if you’d like a document that touches on all the topics you need to know for the exam, this can be a very helpful resource. AP Environmental Science Study Strategies As I mentioned above, flipping passively through your notes isn’t enough to get a high score on the AP Environmental Science exam. Follow these study tips to help you get the most out of your review. Tip 1: Think About How Topics Are Related Knowing each topic in isolation won’t help you much on the AP Environmental Science exam. Even if you know every single fact about the water cycle, if you can’t explain how it relates to other earth processes, how it affects and is affected by humans, how it has been affected by climate change, and other connections, then you’ll miss a majority of questions on the exam. AP Environmental Science is a very interdisciplinary class, and one of the foundational themes of the class is that the Earth is an interconnected system.Many questions will ask you to make connections between multiple topics, so practice doing this when you’re reviewing your notes. If you’re studying the atmosphere, for example, think about how the atmosphere affects animal and plant life on earth, how it affects other earth cycles, how it affects human populations, what the causes and effects of air pollution are, how the atmosphere is influencing and being influenced by climate change, and the changes humans can make, related to the atmosphere, to increase sustainability. Tip 2: Don't Forget About Calculations On both the multiple-choice and free-response sections of the exam, you’ll be asked to complete calculations, and these will have to be done by hand since you aren’t allowed a calculator for any part of the test.These calculations aren’t overly difficult (they’re mostly solving equations), but if you’re rusty on solving math problems by hand, you’ll want to practice this skill. Struggling or taking a long time to solve these calculation questions can easily eat into your time for other questions and prevent you from finishing the test. In order to prevent that, make sure you practice data set free-response questions and multiple-choice questions that require calculations.Looking through the Science Formulas notes above will also help you become more familiar with the calculations you may be asked to do on the exam. Tip 3: Know Major Environmental Events AP Environmental Science isn’t strictly a science class; it also includes recent and current events as well as some law, among other topics.Unlike the other AP science courses, you can’t just know the scientific aspects of environmental science;you also need to know about major environmental events. Studying the notes on Major Environmental Laws will help, and also use your notes fromclass to review other non-law environmental events.It can also be very helpful to keep up on the news and knowwhat the current major environmental issues are. Conclusion Having a set of organized notes can help you manage your AP Environmental Science studying much more easily and quickly access notes on topics you want to review.These notes cover topics from each of the course’s seven major topics, as well as vocabulary, relevant formulas, and major environmental laws. When reviewing your notes, be sure to keep these three tips in mind: Think about how topics are related Don't forget about calculations Know major environmental events What's Next? Now that you have your AP Enviro notes, how should you use them in your review? Check out this guide to see a step-by-step review plan for AP Environmental Science. Want some more practice tests and quizzes to enhance your studying? You've got it! We have a ton ofpractice resources for you to use to study for the AP Enviro exam, and, in the guide, we tell you whateach resource is best for. How many AP classes should you take? Learn exactly how many AP classes you should enroll in based on your interests and college goals. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Life And Teachings Of The Twelve Apostles

, the Word of God. Jesus had his reasons for choosing the twelve individuals to help him in the quest of spreading the Word. â€Å"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.† (KJV, Mark 16:15). Through this, Jesus envisioned that all creatures should be allowed to hear the Word of God, and be given the opportunity to join in the cause for righteousness. The twelve Apostles of Christ came from various backgrounds. Christ wanted every facet of man represented through his choices. Some were fishermen, simple men with simple lives, while on the ... Free Essays on The Life And Teachings Of The Twelve Apostles Free Essays on The Life And Teachings Of The Twelve Apostles The life of Jesus Christ, although very short, was full of teachings and miracles that were done for the fulfillment of God’s Word. Christ’s journey took him to many various places where he encountered a great multitude of differing beliefs, of which allowed him to use his extensive talents as a teacher, and speaker to win over the souls of his followers for God. Christ knew he would not live on this earth forever, and needed help in spreading the Gospel to the people. He chose twelve helpers, called Apostles, to aid him in his journey and teachings. The twelve chosen were from varying backgrounds, with very different personalities. Several felt that they were not worthy to be called a Disciple of Christ, but they held their trust in Christ, and knew that there was a reason for them being chosen, and joined in the task of teaching the Word of God. The twelve chosen were Andrew, Simon Peter, James Zebedee, John Zebedee, Philip, Nathaniel, Matthew Levi, Thomas Didym us, James Alpheus, Judas Alpheus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot. Their lives were to be forever changed from their work with Christ, a change that would not only benefit themselves, but also the people of the world, for all times to come. To journey through the life of the apostles, is a journey to self-improvement. Their teachings bring new thoughts and ideas into the lives of all who hear their words, the Word of God. Jesus had his reasons for choosing the twelve individuals to help him in the quest of spreading the Word. â€Å"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.† (KJV, Mark 16:15). Through this, Jesus envisioned that all creatures should be allowed to hear the Word of God, and be given the opportunity to join in the cause for righteousness. The twelve Apostles of Christ came from various backgrounds. Christ wanted every facet of man represented through his choices. Some were fishermen, simple men with simple lives, while on the ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha Located about midway between Cape Town, South Africa and Buenos Aires, Argentina lies what is often referred to as the worlds most remote inhabited island - Tristan da Cunha. Tristan da Cunha is the primary island of the Tristan da Cunha island group, consisting of six islands at approximately 37Â °15 South, 12Â °30 West. Thats about 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) west of South Africa in the South Atlantic Ocean. The other five islands in the Tristan da Cunha group are uninhabited, save for a manned meteorological station on the southernmost island of Gough. In addition to Gough, located 230 miles SSE of Tristan da Cunha, the chain includes Inaccessible at 20 miles (32 km) WSW, Nightingale 12 miles (19 km) SE, and Middle and Stoltenhoff islands - both just off the coast of Nightingale. The total area for all six islands amounts to a mere 52 mi2 (135 km2). The Tristan da Cunha islands are administered as part of the United Kingdoms colony of Saint Helena (1180 miles or 1900 km to the north of Tristan da Cunha). The circular island of Tristan da Cunha is approximately 6 miles (10 km) wide with a total area of 38 mi2 (98 km2) and a coastline of 21 miles. The island group lies on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and was created by volcanic activity. Queen Marys Peak (6760 feet or 2060 meters) on Tristan da Cunha is an active volcano that last erupted in 1961, causing the evacuation of Tristan da Cunhas residents. Today, just under 300 people call Tristan da Cunha home. They live in the settlement known as Edinburgh that lies on the flat plain on the north side of the island. The settlement was named in honor of Prince Alfred, the Duke of Edinburgh, upon his visit to the island in 1867. Tristan da Cunha was named for Portuguese sailor Tristao da Cunha who discovered the islands in 1506 and although he was unable to land (the island of Tristan da Cunha is surrounded by 1000-2000 foot/300-600 meter cliffs), he named the islands after himself. The first inhabitant of Tristan da Cunha was American Jonathan Lambert of Salem, Massachusetts who arrived in 1810 and renamed the islands the Islands of Refreshment. Unfortunately, Lambert drowned in 1812. In 1816 the United Kingdom claimed and began to settle the islands. A handful of people were joined by the occasional shipwreck survivor over the next few decades and in 1856 the islands population was 71. However, the next year starvation caused many to flee leaving a population of 28 on Tristan da Cunha. The islands population fluctuated and eventually rose to 268 before the island was evacuated during the eruption of 1961. The evacuees went to England where some died due to the harsh winters and some women married British men. In 1963, almost all of the evacuees returned since the island was safe. However, having tasted the life of the United Kingdom, 35 left Tristan da Cunha for Europe in 1966. Since the 1960s, the population swelled to 296 in 1987. The 296 English-speaking residents of Tristan da Cunha share a mere seven surnames - most of the families have a history of being on the island since the early years of settlement. Today, Tristan da Cunha includes a school, hospital, post office, museum, and a crayfish canning factory. The issuance of postage stamps is a major source of revenue for the island. The self-supporting residents fish, raise livestock, make handicrafts, and grow potatoes. The island is visited annually by RMS St. Helena and more regularly by fishing vessels. There is no airport or landing field on the island. Species not found anywhere else in the world inhabit the island chain. Queen Marys Peak is shrouded by clouds most of the year and snow covers its peak in the winter. The island receives an average of 66 inches (1.67 meters) of rain each year.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Market structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market structure - Essay Example These include things like the resources of the ocean (for example, fish) and the environment. Both of these resources can be impacted on by the way in which they are used thereby reducing the number of fishes or the quality of the environment. If a good is excludable but not rival it is a natural monopoly. Public goods like common resources are not excludable. They are available for the use of everyone free of charge. Common goods like private goods are rival goods because one person’s consumption reduces other persons’ consumption. Natural monopolies like private goods are excludable because persons’ can be prevented form consuming the good. According to Pashigian (1997) a natural monopoly exists when a given quantity can be produced by a single firm at the lowest cost. Bank of America is a financial institution offering financial services. Some of its financial services are non-excludable because anyone can access them. However, customers can be prevented from accessing loans if they do not qualify in terms of their ability to pay. The services that the bank provides are also non-rival because one person’s use of the service does not reduce other persons’ use of the service. It therefore means that Bank of America is not a natural monopoly because it is non excludable. Neither does the institution provide a private good because its services are non-rival.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Impact of Stock Markets on Economic Growth Essay

The Impact of Stock Markets on Economic Growth - Essay Example This paper describes the mechanism of the of the impact of stock market on long-term economic indicators, regarding the growth of the economy. Main channels of stock markets influence on economic growth of a country are specified. It is known that stock markets are connected with the economic growth through the creation of liquidity. It means that really profitable investments demand just long-turn capital commitment, but investors don’t want to relinquish their capital for such long time without any control. Actually liquid stock markets make their investments more secure and in such way more attractive. Stock markets allow investors to acquire equity (an asset) and then to sell it rather quickly and without any problems. Liquid stock markets facilitate long-term investments and make them more profitable. It is apparent that stock markets are necessary and important for growth, because they improve capital allocation and in such a way they enhance prospects for long-term economic development. Stock markets as it was mentioned above make investments more secure and attractive. Actually well-functioning stock market is useful and necessary for economic development through following issues: growth of investments and savings, effective and efficient resources allocation, better distribution and utilization of existing resources. Volatility of stock markets had negative influence in France and Japan. Stock market volatility didn’t affect greatly the United Kingdom. Concerning Germany the volatility was stated to be insignificant.

Hot house song Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hot house song - Essay Example There is trading depicted where the four; Dizzy Gillespie, Parker, George and Stan Levy change turns from trumpet to piano then to trumpet as the drums are being played at the background. The role of the guitar is to give a fast tempo to the melody as the drums gives the transition sound change from trumpet to piano. The piano and trumpet are the main instruments giving the harmonic structure of the melody. The sequence of events in the melody begins with Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker introducing the melody at the same time as Stan Levy plays drums in the background. Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie play alto sax and trumpet in turns respectively. Later George Shearing play the piano alone after the trumpet and finally the melody is concluded by Dizzy and Parker. Dizzy appear to be the main soloist. His participation is impressive since he shows facial expressions implying he is filling the melody within himself. The solo is successful in the melody since his facial expression attracts the audience attention and interest.

The importance of Coaching within Raising Employee Perfomance Research Paper

The importance of Coaching within Raising Employee Perfomance - Research Paper Example When there individuals within an organization that need to enhance their skills for better operations, coaching thus is done on them to improve their delivery potential as well as make those individuals more productive to the organization (Charness, 2014,pg.87). Coaching therefore will target areas such as skills that need to be developed or strengthened; the lapses that exist in work; behavior and performance output of individuals. When these weak areas are recognized within an organization, the employees are taken through coaching by the managers or supervisors depending on the organizations policy (Charness, 2014, pg.35). A case study that reveals the benefits of coaching can be drawn from the UK rail industry where up to 13 coaches were tasked with the responsibility of increasing the skills of customer service for about 350 people in their organization (customer hosts). As a tool to improve employees output, coaching has had other numerous benefits to UK rail industry including: nurturing and improving an individual’s talent; setting expectations about the employee and making the organization managers accountable; engaging leaders in organization activities; professional satisfaction; boost of employee morale; and overall improvement of the organizational goals. This report therefore aims to discuss coaching explaining its purposes; benefits; and challenges. Additionally, the report will give a brief conclusion on the topic of study. Coaching can be defined as process that enables an individual to learn and develop skills from a direction and advice provided by a seasoned expert or professional (Crane, & Patrick, 2014, pg.89). Additionally, coaching can be understood as a process that involves directing, training as well as instructing an individual or a group of persons to develop certain skills necessary to achieve some goal. Directions can be given through motivational talks while trainings offered through seminars and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Advanced financial Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Advanced financial Accounting - Assignment Example Auckland Int’l Airport handles almost 70% of the international traffic or 13 million passengers annually for New Zealand. (Auckland International Airport, 2013). For this financial analysis, Annual Financial Filings for last three years (FY2012, 2011 and 2010) have been used. These are available on company website Summarized 3 year financial reports are provided in Appendix 1. Deloitte is the independent auditor for Auckland International Airport. Deloitte in the Audit report mentions that they conduct these audits based on International Standards on Auditing and International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand) and that it is the responsibility of the Company (Auckland International Airport) to prepare and consolidate these reports. In the Annual report of 2012 (Auckland International Airport Ltd., 2012), The Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with NZ GAAP standards. However, the auditors certify that these reports comply with NZ IFRS and other applicable Financial Report Standards, such as IFRS, appropriate for profit-oriented entities. The Company treats cash as Current Assets in accordance with generally accepted good accounting practices. Discussion on this item is relevant to Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statement. The company explains the definition of cash in Note 2h (Auckland International Airport Ltd., 2012, p. 49) as follows: â€Å"Cash in the balance sheet comprises cash on hand, on-call deposits held with banks and short-term highly liquid investments. For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash consists of cash as defined above, net of outstanding bank overdrafts.† According to Note 2j (2012, p. 49), an estimate of impairment for uncollectible amounts is made where there is objective evidence that collection of the full amount is no longer probable. Bad debts are written off when

Social work (choose any two different topic to write on) Research Paper

Social work (choose any two different topic to write on) - Research Paper Example es, there is a dire need of benefit programs to assist the struggling drug addicts, but such programs should not be used to finance the illegal use of drugs. According to the article, many individuals miss on employment opportunities if they fail the drug test. The editorial supports this liberal view. Liberals emphasize that discrimination will maintain the illegal status of the distribution and sale of illegal drugs. According to liberals, such forced drug testing will hurt the right of individuals such as civil rights and welfare transfers to the poor citizens. Liberals advocate for drug abuse legalization rather than forced drug testing or decriminalization in the welfare transfers. Liberals generally assert that drug abuse problem is as a result of social, cultural or psychological causes and mainly stems from inequality in the society. According to liberals, controlling drug problem should entail rehabilitation through education, employment opportunities generation and social skills enhancement. According to liberals, the solution to drug abuse would be to legalize drugs since individuals are capable of making rational choices of their happiness and lifestyles and abstain from drugs that are relatively harmful such as cocaine. The liberals support government-funded drug abus e treatment with minimum punishments and drug testing as an unwarranted intrusion on people’s privacy and liberty (Yee, 3). On the other hand, conservatives advocate for stringent crime control models like discrimination in social welfare transfers or lengthy imprisonment terms for people convicted of drug abuse. Conservatives try to maintain the status quo by asserting the drug abusers generally fail to succeed in the overall economic or political system thus making irrational choices that puts them in to trouble with the authorities. Conservatives advance the use of threat of punishment in order to control drug abuse thus rewarding a drug user with social benefits is immoral.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Advanced financial Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Advanced financial Accounting - Assignment Example Auckland Int’l Airport handles almost 70% of the international traffic or 13 million passengers annually for New Zealand. (Auckland International Airport, 2013). For this financial analysis, Annual Financial Filings for last three years (FY2012, 2011 and 2010) have been used. These are available on company website Summarized 3 year financial reports are provided in Appendix 1. Deloitte is the independent auditor for Auckland International Airport. Deloitte in the Audit report mentions that they conduct these audits based on International Standards on Auditing and International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand) and that it is the responsibility of the Company (Auckland International Airport) to prepare and consolidate these reports. In the Annual report of 2012 (Auckland International Airport Ltd., 2012), The Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with NZ GAAP standards. However, the auditors certify that these reports comply with NZ IFRS and other applicable Financial Report Standards, such as IFRS, appropriate for profit-oriented entities. The Company treats cash as Current Assets in accordance with generally accepted good accounting practices. Discussion on this item is relevant to Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statement. The company explains the definition of cash in Note 2h (Auckland International Airport Ltd., 2012, p. 49) as follows: â€Å"Cash in the balance sheet comprises cash on hand, on-call deposits held with banks and short-term highly liquid investments. For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash consists of cash as defined above, net of outstanding bank overdrafts.† According to Note 2j (2012, p. 49), an estimate of impairment for uncollectible amounts is made where there is objective evidence that collection of the full amount is no longer probable. Bad debts are written off when

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prenatal Dangers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prenatal Dangers - Essay Example 2448). The study was conducted by doctors at an urban teaching hospital and the research subjects included three hundred and seventy-six pre-school children. Of these children, one hundred and ninety experienced fetal brain exposures to cocaine and one hundred and eight-six did not experience such exposure. The main testing standards were related to intellectual quotient measurements; more specifically, the study employed the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence-Revised measurements for determinations of outcomes. The findings were rather interesting. As an initial matter, this study was pursued because of inconsistent results regarding the longer-term consequences of prenatal cocaine exposure. The findings in this case, dealing only with the effects noticed in a child's initial four-year lifespan, were seemingly mild in certain ways. In many respects, the study found that fetal brain exposure to cocaine did not cause a lower full-scale intelligence quotient, did not cause lower scores or verbal performance generally, and did not cause any significant differences in performance. On the other hand, there were some findings which suggested that the potential dangers of prenatal drug exposure, in this case cocaine, were real.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Terror management theory

Terror management theory The effects of terror management theory on political decisions Summary The terror management theory suggests that feelings of anxiety and fear are caused by thoughts of death (mortality salience) which may affect our thoughts, decisions and actions. The fear/anxiety caused triggers off defence mechanisms which cause individuals to feel closer to their beliefs and what they regard as a good and valued way of living (cultural worldview). The study will be looking at how the manipulation of mortality salience affects the ratings of two world leaders, predicting that they will rate highest the world leader which identifies the most with their cultural worldview. The participants will be British University students and the design of the study is an independent measures design. The participants will be asked to fill in an identification scale on being British, a word search where the experimental condition will contain mortality salience and the control condition will not, they will also be asked to fill in small maths calculations and they will be finally as ked to rate two world leaders (Englands prime minister Gordon Brown and Russias president Dmitry Medvedev) on a scale indicating how strongly they feel about the statements about each world leader. The ethical issues in the experiment are confidentiality, informed consent, anonymity, mortality salience and the use of findings. These issues will be dealt with by gaining presumed consent, the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time and debriefing each participant at the end to make sure they are comfortable and satisfied with the information they provided. Mortality salience will be kept as minimal as possible via using a word search and a distracter task which will be used afterwards to ensure that as little harm or no harm at all is caused to the participants. Introduction Terror management theory was developed by Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon and Tom Pyszczynski and is based on death. Humans are unique as they are the only living species that are aware of their inevitable death and this causes fear (terror) which would make carrying on with daily tasks impossible. Therefore, it is suggested that when an individual is reminded of death (mortality salience) they instantly use two defence mechanisms to protect themselves and get rid of these thoughts of death. The first defence mechanism is when an individual has their own personal views and standards on how they should live their life and therefore, individuals strive to meet those standards to feel as valued members of society (cultural worldview). Culture also provides individuals with symbolic immortality such as, being part of families and ethnic groups, because even after their mortality these groups will still exist and individuals will still be remembered as parts of them. The second defence me chanism is self-esteem which reduces anxiety when self-esteem is high and this is achieved by individuals believing and maintaining that they live up to the standards that are parts of their cultural worldview. When individuals are successful this causes high self-esteem which reduces the anxiety caused by threats. Furthermore, when others have the same cultural worldview as ours (in groupers) it suggests that our view is right and we need this confirmation from others to keep believing in our cultural worldviews. However, defence mechanisms are triggered off when there are threats against ones world view and beliefs. The thought of death and other individuals with different cultural worldviews (out groupers) could challenge our beliefs leaving us with feelings of anxiety which makes individuals want to live up to their cultural worldviews even more. Many studies have tested the mortality salience hypothesis such as Rosenblatt, Greenberg, Solomon, Pyszczynski and Lyon (1989) who used twenty two judges in a study where half of the judges were reminded of their own death (mortality salience), before setting bail to a prostitute and the other half were not. The judges who were reminded of their death set bail at $450 and judges who were not reminded of their death set bail at $50. This shows that the knowledge of death causes individuals to maintain their cultural worldviews which is reflected onto the amount of bail set as generally prostitution would be seen as wrong in many individuals cultural worldview. The terror management theory also assumes that when people are reminded of death this affects their decisions towards certain important issues such as politics. Studies show that when mortality is salient many individuals support people with the same political views as their selves and act hostile and negatively towards people with different political views. For example, Landau et al. (2004) found that when individuals were reminded of the 9/11 attacks they seemed to be more supportive of President Bush whereas, in control conditions less than half supported his decisions. This shows us that the thought of death can have effects on our political decisions and views and this knowledge of fear seems to be used by politicians to receive more support from the public. Other studies have also showed that death increases nationalism. In one study on American participants, when they were reminded of death they were more positive towards people who thought positively of America and were more negative towards people who thought negatively of America (Greenberg et al.,1990). Different countries also found similar results such as in Germany when Germans were reminded of death they sat closer to other Germans and sat further away from Turks (Ochsman and Mathay, 1994). These studies show us that when individuals are afraid of their mortality they feel closer to their cultural worldviews than ever before as a way of protecting themselves. This causes attitudes and beliefs to strengthen which in turn causes individuals to view any other belief as wrong and negative. This may cause extreme behaviour such as terrorist attacks, hate crimes and violence. As a result of all of these, individuals would feel closer to a president who knows exactly what they are doing, are devoted and sending out a strong message. Rationale (purpose) and aims of study: The aim of the study is to show that thoughts of death affect our lives and the decisions we make, including decisions about politics. The study will be testing to see how British participants will react towards their very own world leader prime minister Gordon Brown and another world leader, Dmitry Medvedev Russias president. Participants should prefer Gordon Brown rather than the other world leader when reminded of death as he is closer to their cultural worldview. Research questions: When mortality threat is salient will individuals have a stronger attitude towards their beliefs and their cultural worldview? Hypotheses: Individuals political orientation will be closer to their cultural worldview when mortality threat is salient. Method: How hypotheses addresses aims of study: The aim of the study is to show that thoughts of death affect our political decisions as well as general decisions and the hypotheses relates to this as it is suggesting that individuals will feel closer to the world leader which identifies with their cultural worldview the most. Operationalised variables: 1) Mortality salience is manipulated by the word searches, ones neutral; one has death related words and 2) asked to rate world leaders on a scale about whether they are good/satisfying world leaders. Design: The participants will be randomly assigned and the design used will be an independent sample design, as different participants will be used for the two different conditions. The independent variables are the manipulation of the mortality salience (control condition and experimental condition) and the two different world leaders. The dependent variable is the results from the rating scales of the two different world leaders. Participants: British university students, male and female. Around 50 participants will be used. Materials: Identification scale, two word searches, small maths calculations and profiles of the two world leaders including the rating scale. Procedure: First of all participants will be seated and the first thing they will fill out is their gender, age and an identification scale on how British and close to their culture they feel. Then they will do a word search, however, there will be two conditions in the experiment one will be the controlled condition where participants will receive a normal word search and will not involve mortality salience, whereas, the experimental condition will involve mortality salience. After the word searches participants will work out small maths calculations, then they will receive profiles of two world leaders one is Gordon Brown Englands prime minister and the other is Dmitry Medvedev Russias president. In order to eliminate the effect of order effects I will have some profiles with Gordon Brown presented first than Dmitry Medvedev and vice versa. Participants will have to rate the statements of the world leaders on a scale indicating how strongly they feel about each one. Ethical issues: The ethical issues in the experiment are confidentiality, informed consent, anonymity, mortality salience and the use of findings. These issues will be dealt with by gaining presumed consent, the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time and debriefing each participant at the end to make sure they are comfortable and satisfied with the information they provided. Mortality salience will be kept as minimal as possible via using a word search and a distracter task will be used afterwards to ensure that as little harm or no harm at all is caused to the participants. Analysis of results: The results will be analysed by a 2 by 2 mixed factor Anova. The IVs are mortality salience (experimental condition and controlled condition) and the world leaders (Gordon Brown and Dmitry Medvedev). Schedule for completion of project: Collect all data by December Analysis of data in the Christmas break Write up of results and report January/Febuary till March

Sunday, October 13, 2019

West Side Story Essay -- essays research papers

West Side Story Day 4: 2-page essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The West Side Story portrays the lives of two different gangs living in America, as well as their beliefs and examples of living a good life. The expectations of what people consider the good life to be may vary on a person’s morals and their dreams of what life is truly about. In this movie, whether or not these characters were good people, lived a good life, or lived in a good society is a very controversial topic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The characters of the West Side Story were not good people. The two gangs focused their lives on fighting with each other rather than attempting to get along and accept the differences between them. The gangs did not have any hopes or aspirations for their futures and cared about nothing more than being in a gang. Each gang made one mistake after another and never learned from any of them nor did they try to. Doc, an old and wise man, informed the boys with his knowledge and tried to open the eyes of both gangs to the hatred that engulfed them. Everything Doc had to say went through one ear and out the other, because the boys refused to see past their differences. The Jets, one of the gangs, accept what society believes of them and never make any effort to erase their bad history. They listen to what others tell them, agreeing to the excuses for their bad behavior. This is just one example of how the boys do not attempt to make a better life for themselves, or try t...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Knowledge and philosophy are one of the key components for studying accounting. Knowledge is created when you have gathered facts and information. As suggested by Arrington & Schweiker (1992) ‘nothing counts as knowledge until it is argued before and assented by a research community’. This means that when new knowledge is created, it is always undergoes an enormous scrutiny by peers, so that it is nearly perfect. Kuhn (1970), Davis (1971) and Collins (1985) also suggest that any knowledge should be easily accessible by the public e.g. the users of accounting or accountants themselves. To obtain knowledge we have to make some observations. These observations are then transformed by the process of induction into laws and theories. Therefore knowledge is seen as creating a reality. As mentioned before knowledge is especially important in the construction of realities. This is because accountants in general created these economic realities, this leads to an expectations gap between the accountants and the users, hence accountants are also seen as communicators for these realities. However because accountant construct these realities it can become biased and objective (Morgan 1988). Accountants also persuade users to accept the realities that they have created. On the other hand philosophy helps us to better understand and access to knowledge. This type of study is known as epistemology. Epistemology creates a foundation of the basis of knowledge. One of the bases of knowledge is truth and fact. However this can be a very problematic area because if a statement is deemed to be true then it is automatically a factual statement. This causes problems because the words true and fact are interchangeable i.e. if a statement is a fact... ...tely it may change our knowledge. This leads on to my point that knowledge and philosophy is always changing, this then changes the world we live in. This is because eventually we change our concepts and theories. For example if a theory is changed, that is related to the conceptual framework and social construction, and then this too is changed. I have seen that in the creation of knowledge and philosophy, the process of induction is vital because it allows us to build theories and more importantly economic realities. When studying or researching accounting we sometimes come across a few paradigms such as the All Ravens are Black paradigm and the inductivist turkey. These paradigms helps to better understand knowledge and also it can separate true from false and fact. It can help us to refine our knowledge so that the end result is almost prefect e.g. neutrality.

Friday, October 11, 2019

God’s Wrath Essay

1. To whom is the sermon addressed? To congregation, people who gather and practice religious worship. 2. According to Edwards, why is God wrathful? Because people are evil and wicked sinners and god’s wrath is never ending and high-handed. 3. Reread the sixth paragraph. What people, according to Edwards, are not in the hands of this angry God? How is this state achieved? People who have reformed their life in many ways and have had religious affections, along with keeping forms of religion withing you house and families as well as in the house of god. 4. Figurative language is language that cannot be taken literally since it was written to produce a certain effect. Edwards makes effective use of figurative language as he speaks of God’ s wrath. Find three examples of his use of figurative language and explain why they are effective. â€Å"The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present† â€Å"The bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Edward uses the word wrath many times, meaning intense fury. Thus, repeating the word he creates a sharp piercing tone that hits you hard. He creates great fear from the second example especially by mentioning that the arrow is pointed directly at ones heart. These metaphors, and figurative language are not hard to understand. Edward meant for it to be this way. One should understand the wrath of god, and know fear, know that eternal perish can be cast upon you with a flick. He mainly uses imagery, rhetorical strategies, and repittion to convey his piercing and fearful tone. 5. Using the list of tone words as a guide, make a list of 20 words in this selection that produce tone or attitude. Misery, dreadful, wrath, avail, wickedness, contrivance, prudence, sovereign, corruption, fury, destruction, chaff, rapid, vengeance, treasuring, fierceness, inconceivable, omnipotent, stoutest, endure. 6. How does Edwards’ sermon reflect the ideals of this time period? He reflects the ideals as very believing. Believing in good and evil, along with higher powers and an after life. Showing that the people were indeed very religious. It also reflects ideals about religion controlling a way of life and that the more religious someone is the more respected and higher up they are. He expands on various things but sticking with main and strict religious principles showing us many things about how people would find this and react. 7. Explain how his sermon connects to a concept or theme in â€Å"The Crucible.† They both have to deal with sinning, and the consequences that come with it. The wrath, and fury which should spread fear. Both have unique tones witch go straight to the heart then to the brain. Reaching an ultimate piercing effect amplified by fear which is wrath induced.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Globalization Argumentative Paper Essay

Is globalization good or bad in the business world today? There are good and bad sides to everything now days. It’s just weighing your options out to see what fits better. In the next couple of paragraphs we will go over what is good and what could be bad in globalization in the business world. Globalization Good The good side to globalization is all about the efficiencies and opportunities open markets create. Local producers can sell their products worldwide. This creates more business for them. Globalization has made the flow of money around the world easier. Creating more jobs around the world. (1 Premise) Globalization is great to the markets around the world. They have been able to expand their businesses. Globalization Bad The bad side to globalization is new uncertainty and risks that have risen. It has made the competition between markets intensify. (2 Premise) Companies that we enjoying this globalization are now facing unpredictable demand and business opportunities. With there being so much competition and being under constant pressure of new competitors, leaves the current companies with little to no pricing power. Another bad side of globalization is declining money flows across local and national boundaries. Conclusion Is globalization good or bad? There are many advantages and several disadvantages to globalization. But it is each individual’s personal opinion. (1 Conclusion) Globalization is good and can continue to be good for the world. Everyone is going to look at this issue in a different way. Although globalization is good in many individuals eyes, it is still bad in many others eyes. (2 Conclusion) There are many risks that come with  globalization, and so many uncertainties. This is why this will be an ongoing debate to whether globalization is benefitting us locally and nationally, or if it’s hurting the entire world. References 1. 2. www, > globalization

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Acct 301 Homework – Chapter 9

Chapter 9: E9-6, E9-11, P9-1A, P9-5A E9-6 SY Telc has recently started the manufacture of RecRobo, a three-wheeled robot that can scan a home for fires and gas leaks and then transmit this information to a mobile phone. The cost structure to manufacture 20,000 RecRobo’s is as follows. |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Cost  Ã‚  Ã‚   | Direct materials ($40 per robot)| $  800,000| Direct labor ($30 per robot)|   Ã‚  600,000| Variable overhead ($6 per robot)|   Ã‚  120,000| Allocated fixed overhead ($25 per robot)|   Ã‚  500,000 | Total| $2,020,000 | SY Telc is approached by Chen Inc. which offers to make RecRobo for $90 per unit or $1,800,000. Instructions (a) Using incremental analysis, determine whether SY Telc should accept this offer under each of the following independent assumptions. * (1) Assume that $300,000 of the fixed overhead cost can be reduced (avoided). * (2) Assume that none of the fixed overhead can be reduced (avoided). However, if the robots are purchased from Chen Inc . , SY Telc can use the released productive resources to generate additional income of $300,000. * (b) Describe the qualitative factors that might affect the decision to purchase the robots from an outside supplier. E9-11 Twyla Enterprises uses a computer to handle its sales invoices.Lately, business has been so good that it takes an extra 3 hours per night, plus every third Saturday, to keep up with the volume of sales invoices. Management is considering updating its computer with a faster model that would eliminate all of the overtime processing. | Current Machine | New Machine | Original purchase cost| $15,000| $25,000| Accumulated depreciation| $  6,000| —| Estimated annual operating costs| $24,000| $18,000| Useful life|   5 years|   5 years| If sold now, the current machine would have a salvage value of $5,000. If operated for the remainder of its useful life, the current machine would have zero salvage value.The new machine is expected to have zero salvage value a fter five years. Instructions Should the current machine be replaced? P9-1A Pro Sports Inc. manufactures basketballs for the National Basketball Association (NBA). For the first 6 months of 2008, the company reported the following operating results while operating at 90% of plant capacity and producing 112,500 units. |   Ã‚  Amount  Ã‚   | Sales| $4,500,000| Cost of goods sold|   3,600,000| Selling and administrative expenses|   Ã‚  450,000 | Net income| $  Ã‚  450,000 | Fixed costs for the period were: cost of goods sold $1,080,000, and selling and administrative expenses $225,000.In July, normally a slack manufacturing month, Pro Sports receives a special order for 10,000 basketballs at $28 each from the Italian Basketball Association (IBA). Acceptance of the order would increase variable selling and administrative expenses $0. 50 per unit because of shipping costs but would not increase fixed costs and expenses. Instructions * (a) Prepare an incremental analysis for the special order. * (b) Should Pro Sports Inc. accept the special order? Explain your answer. * (c) What is the minimum selling price on the special order to produce net income of $4. 10 per ball? (d) What nonfinancial factors should management consider in making its decision? P9-5A Lewis Manufacturing Company has four operating divisions. During the first quarter of 2008, the company reported aggregate income from operations of $176,000 and the following divisional results. | Division| |   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   |   Ã‚  Ã‚  II  Ã‚  Ã‚   |   Ã‚  III  Ã‚   |   Ã‚  IV  Ã‚   | Sales| $250,000| $200,000| $500,000| $400,000| Cost of goods sold|   200,000|   189,000|   300,000|   250,000| Selling and administrative expenses|   Ã‚  65,000 |   Ã‚  60,000 |   Ã‚  60,000 |   Ã‚  50,000 | Income (loss) from operations| $(15,000) | $(49,000) | $140,000 | $100,000 |Analysis reveals the following percentages of variable costs in each division. |   I   |    II   |   III   |   IV   | Cost of goods sold| 70%| 90%| 80%| 75%| Selling and administrative expenses| 40  | 70  | 50  | 60  | Discontinuance of any division would save 50% of the fixed costs and expenses for that division. Top management is very concerned about the unprofitable divisions (I and II). Consensus is that one or both of the divisions should be discontinued. Instructions * (a) Compute the contribution margin for Divisions I and II. (a) I $84,000 (b) Prepare an incremental analysis concerning the possible discontinuance of (1) Division I and (2) Division II. What course of action do you recommend for each division? * (c) Prepare a columnar condensed income statement for Lewis Manufacturing, assuming Division II is eliminated. Use the CVP format. Division II’s unavoidable fixed costs are allocated equally to the continuing divisions. (c) Income III $133,850 * (d) Reconcile the total income from operations ($176,000) with the total income from opera tions without Division II.

Design History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design History - Essay Example In 2007 the residence was ranked 29 in the America Favourite architecture by the AIA. Frank was given this opportunity at the age of sixty seven by Edgar Kaufmann who was an established businessman. Fallingwater Part 1: Materials-Conservation Efforts at Frank Lloyd Wrights Masterpiece analyzes the conservation measures that were used in the erection of the Fallingwater building. The reviving of the query to supply rocks that were to be used in the construction was one of the ways of coming up with the building that bet all odds and today stands as a tourist attraction site. The Falling water clearly depicts Wrights passion for Japanese architecture which mainly involves sensibility of space. The design of the falling water places harmony between nature and human beings. The fire place integrates with the boulders found on the surrounding site and the ledge rock protrudes through the living room to the root also brings out the link between the inside and outside. He majored in the interpenetrating the interior and external spaces. He has connected the site with the house and even includes the sounds from the waterfall. He waxed the floors and left the hearth plain creating impression of rocks protruding from a river. This shows Wright’s prowess and exceptional skill in integrating the details of his design. His unique skill is also shown in the mixing and blending of the colours. The colours he used in painting the house blends well with the natural surrounding environment (Toker, 2007). This also brings out the harmony of the residence and the e nvironment. This architectural design shows that Wright had a keen understanding of structural properties of the materials and he could also reflect and implement structural ideas. Smaller details are revealed through integration. This can be evident from the fact that there is absence of metallic frames in areas where the glass

Monday, October 7, 2019

Oce 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oce 2 - Essay Example The Alaska Shell drilling project and the Keystone XL project worth $7 billion does not portray President Obama and his party as very environmentally friendly people in the mainstream media. The Democratic Party is looking forward to change this Image completely through various projects that are about to unfold, with environmental safety as their key concentration. Let us analyze about two such projects. Greenhouse Gas Standards for existing power plants and refineries Nearly 2.4 billion metric tons of Carbon dioxide is emitted into the US sky through the 500 power plants and the oil refineries present here. This constitutes to nearly 40% of the total Carbon dioxide emission in the country (Biello). The new rules will force the refineries and the power plants to avoid using fossil-fuel for energy and look for other alternative means like natural gas. The practical applicability of the plan is still under question. EPA is seeking the co-operation of the state governments to upgrade th e age old techniques used in the power plants and refineries. Though there is much opposition for the move from the Congress, the President had already waived a green flag for EPA to formulate the rule within the next couple of months approximately. Forcing down Carbon dioxide emission means using natural gas as alternative which is way expensive than the current methods. This will result in increased electricity and gasoline bills for the consumer. But, the government is announcing various subsidies for the power plants and oil refineries to keep the prices in check. New Source Performance Standards have framed new rules for using several items in steam generating units like its generators. It closely monitors the emissions of PM, SO2 and NOX from these equipments and orders for an upgrade if they are beyond the permitted level. Various measures like the Acid Rain program and Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants programs will be used to monitor the power plants. Petrole um refineries will be scrutinized under the Catalytic Reforming and Catalytic cracking of Sulphur plants program. President Obama's various measures to make the US environment a cleaner and greener one have resulted in complete failure in the past. The Solyndra project which received nearly $535 million aid from the US government proved to be a failure, which came as a death blow to President Obama's solar electricity dream. Similarly, the A123 system which was encouraged to create hybrid electric cars which do not pollute the environment also became a massive failure. Though the intention of these projects was good, inefficient administration and lack of advanced technologies paved way for their failure. President Obama is quite concerned about not making the same mistake again. EPA held 5 listening and discussion sessions with participants from electric power industry, petroleum refineries, environmental organizations, state and tribal representatives as well as coalition group me mbers to finalize the measures on the actions. The concerns about various parties and the difficulties in implementing the new rules were discussed in detail way back in 2011. EPA had been working on an error proof plan since then. It is only a matter of days before the new green house gas emission standards will roll out. Why is it important to control Green house gas emissions? The sun emits energy which the earth absorbs and re-emits back into the atmosphere. The over emission of green house gases

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Compare and contrast the basic principles of dilution and local Essay

Compare and contrast the basic principles of dilution and local exhaust ventilation. Discuss at least five items for each and the elemtns for each system - Essay Example These contaminants may pass through an air cleaner before emission into the environment. Both of the systems require make up air so as to replace that which is exhausted, failure to which would lead to a decline in the room pressures. Both systems employ fans, which create a pressure difference allowing the flow of air along with its constituents, such as contaminants, into the exhaust system (Nims, 1999). Several differences exist between the two systems. To begin with, the local exhaust ventilation is characterized by the presence of a hood (inlet). The dilution ventilation lacks a hood. The hood is placed next to the source of emission; therefore, enabling the removal of virtually all sorts of contaminants by the local exhaust ventilation. In this respect, the local exhaust ventilation is best suited and perhaps the only choice for extremely flammable and highly toxic air borne contaminants. Only small amounts of air are exhausted by the local exhaust ventilation compared to the dilution ventilation. This means that dilution ventilation will require greater amounts of cooled or heated make up air than the local exhaust ventilation (Nims, 1999). The basic local exhaust of ventilation is comprised of the hood, ducts, cleaner, fan and exhaust stacks (Nims, 1999). The hood is placed near the source of emission of the contaminants. The ducts carry the contaminant in the local exhaust system. They should have minimal resistance for efficiency. Smooth and round ducts are ideal, and the flow rates in them should not be excessive as this will creates abrasion and noise. Air cleaners eliminate the contaminants before exhausting the air. State or federal regulations dictate the type of air cleaner to be employed. Fans are regarded to as the workhorses in the exhaust ventilation system. They provide pressure differences to suction the contaminants throughout the system and into the outdoor environment. The